Interactive demos

Discover hundreds of interactive demos, showcasing the limitless possibilities of yFiles – the diagramming SDK. These demos are included in the free yFiles Evaluation Package and can assist you in getting started quickly.

Quick Tour
Take a quick tour and browse through selected demos that highlight many different aspects of the yFiles features. See automatic layouts in action, custom visualizations, high-performance rendering, awesome animations, and bespoke user experiences.
Use Cases
Take a look at and browse through a set of diverse use-cases we implemented with yFiles. The demos concentrate on the diagramming aspect and show how graph visualization can help in the context of a specific use-case.
Automatic Graph Layout
A unique feature of yFiles are the superb automatic graph layout algorithms. They help with the clear arrangement of your data and can be configured to match your specific requirements. Check out these demos to see a wide range of different layout algorithms in action.
Custom Visualization
With yFiles, you can implement custom, bespoke visualizations that help you present exactly the information to your users that they are interested in. The following demos show-case different aspects of custom visualizations, both for graph elements like nodes and edges, and for additional visuals that contribute to the visualization like backgrounds, legends, overlays, etc.
Large Graph Visualization
Rendering performance is an important aspect when large amounts of data need to be shown to the users. yFiles can leverage various technologies to achieve high-performance graph visualizations. See different approaches ranging from filtering and aggregation, over level-of-detail rendering, to hardware accelerated large-scale graph visualization.
Graph Analysis
Graph analysis algorithms are a powerful tool in the yFiles tool box. Discover the power of yFiles graph algorithms and witness how they can be utilized to create highly impactful and practical visualizations.
Integrating yFiles
yFiles enables developers to integrate high-quality diagramming as a white-label solution into your own applications and dashboards. No matter what framework you are using, yFiles has been built to support them all. Integrate graph visualization components into your project using your framework of choice and see how yFiles leverages data-binding and reactivity to create unique visualizations using the tools you know and love.
Loading Business Data
Discover how to transform your business data into visually appealing graph visualizations. Graphs can be generated from various data sources such as graph databases or JSON.
Exporting Graph Visualizations
Explore the diverse export formats supported by yFiles to easily share, store, and showcase your graph visualizations.
Discover the fundamentals of utilizing yFiles, including the essential features and techniques for creating graphs using your business data. Gain knowledge on implementing personalized styles for nodes, labels, edges, and ports.
Explore the yFiles Playground, your starting point for familiarizing yourself with yFiles and gaining an initial glimpse into its capabilities, including layouts and interaction. Discover examples, experiment with yFiles, and begin your journey of understanding.
Specialized Demos and yFiles-Powered Applications
Discover yFiles magic in our showcase of demos and apps. From the Marvel Graph to yEd Live, explore the power and versatility of yFiles. Play around in our yFiles Playground to see its capabilities firsthand.